Alicia Bauman Morales
Alicia Bauman Morales (she/her) is an Oakland-born Boricua tomboi, dancer, organizer, troublemaker, and performance maker.
Her performance practice is shaped by turf dance, western modern and contemporary dance, tomboi physicality, house dance, martial arts, kitchen and backyard salsa, spoken word, and altar building.
She is or has been a proud performer with Arthur Aviles Typical Theater, NWA Project, Renegade Performance Group, MBDance, Brown Girls Burlesque, Roots and River Productions, and PISO Proyecto, and has shown her work across the continental U.S. and Puerto Rico. She is an organizer with ACRE, Artists Co-Creating Real Equity.
Alicia Bauman Morales is building crowning.coronación, an interactive, site-responsive, and multimedia dance work that exists outdoors, in the streets of Brooklyn. Using storm medicine methodology, artists will engage with devastation and possibility, particularly in terms of the pandemic, racial justice, and economic collapse.
Image courtesy of Alicia Bauman Morales