
Artists are at the core of our work at Hi-ARTS. What unites this diverse group is that they share similar aesthetics and ideas about the transformative power of art and the importance of community. Our goal is to continuously nurture this spirit at Hi-ARTS. From a creative and artistic perspective, our artists have made Hi-ARTS the organization that it is. Below is a sample list of artists we have recently worked with. Tap an artist's name to learn more about what they do, and hit the archive further down for a look at who else the organization has been involved with over the years.

2024 MJ Martinez 2024 MJ Martinez

Eto Otitigbe

Eto Otitigbe is interested in recovering buried narratives and giving form to the unseen. He is a polymedia artist whose interdisciplinary practice includes sculpture, performance, installation, and public art. His public art intersects history, community, and biophilic design by using parametric modeling and generative design to transform historical and cultural references into biomorphic forms and patterns that reference nature.

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