Hi-ARTS CRITICAL BREAKS & SKY LAB Residency Application
Welcome to the Hi-ARTS Residency Application! This form is for applicants interested in CRITICAL BREAKS and/or SKY LAB. The current application cycle is for residencies taking place between August 2023 and May 2024. DEADLINE EXTENDED: July 7th, 2023.
CRITICAL BREAKS is for artists who are in a pivotal phase of developing new or existing work. The process-centered program is designed to support the needs of the artist and best support the trajectory of their project. For more information on CRITICAL BREAKS click here.
SKY LAB is for artists who center community engagement in the development of their work. While community engagement is at the center, artists’ work in this residency may be experimental, site-specific, or in a traditional studio/theater space. For more information on SKY LAB click here.
For frequently asked questions about Hi-ARTS residencies click here. For additional questions, contact Joyous Pierce at joyous@hi-artsnyc.org. We will do our best to respond within 2-3 business days.
NOTE: Once you've started filling out Airtable form, you cannot exit or save during the process. We recommend that you draft your response in a separate document prior to beginning the application