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WORK IN PROCESS: Temporary Flesh

  • Hi-ARTS Studio 215 East 99th Street New York, NY, 10029 United States (map)
A blue black graphic with white text that reads "WORK IN PROCESS, Temporary Flesh, Evelyn Tejeda." A picture of Evelyn Tejeda balancing on a stack of chairs is next to the text.

Image courtesy of Evelyn Tejeda

Temporary Flesh

Evelyn Tejeda

March 27, 7pm
Hi-ARTS Studio

Temporary Flesh explores impermanence, identity, and bodily autonomy through dance. Using chairs as extensions of the body, this work questions our origins and the transitory nature of existence—are we merely vessels for survival, or do we have agency over our fate? As the artist navigates personal and collective transformations, the body becomes a site of memory, adaptation, and inevitable expiration. It does not belong to us; it carries stories until it reaches its breaking point. Body on loan, body in transit, body as a phase, body as a vessel, body marked.

Accessibility | Artspace PS109 is an ADA-compliant building. Elevators are available via the main entrance, and all restrooms are wheelchair accessible. The main entrance’s outdoor gates do not have an ADA push button and may be heavy to open. If you know you will need assistance, please contact us in advance. For any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at (718) 497-4282 (voice only) or

Health & Safety | We are cultivating both wellness and mindfulness. We encourage those who feel more comfortable masking to do so. If you are exhibiting any type of symptoms of illness, we ask that you please stay home.

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